Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

2 Months Old

We are definitely getting the hang of things at this point.  We even ventured out to the zoo for the first time during the boys second month! Not an easy task with twins! It was exhausting but also nice to get out and feel normal for a few hours.  The boys won't remember it but we will.  I was still pumping for the boys and unfortunately the zoo doesn't have a baby care center, so instead I pumped in the car.  Just the first of many times for that!  This month we also celebrated your very first Easter.  We felt very blessed during this time because the boys are our miracles.
Here are the updates for this month.
Grant still loves to sleep and sleeps longer than JT.  He smiled for the first time on 4/4/10 (Easter Sunday) and both of us were there to see it.   He also found his hands this month and enjoyed putting them in his mouth.
JT smiled for the first time on 4/5/10 and again, both of us were there to see it.  He preferred to be held facing outward or upright and was very curious and nosy.
Both boys love to be read to and we developed a great nightly routine of reading some of our favorites: The Going to Bed Book, Pajama Time, Goodnight Little Pookie, Goodnight Moon, and I Love You Through and Through.  These are our regulars with others mixed in from time to time.  Both boys are also much more alert and observant.  Both seemed to recognize us more and more each day.
 Daddy and JT
 JT at the zoo for the first time

 Our first Easter with the boys
 Easter Sunday
JT's first smile caught on camera