Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Snowflakes anyone?

Does this really need any words? Maybe just ADORABLE!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Happy 4th Birthday, Grant and JT!!!

I cannot believe another year has flown by! And actually, if I'm being honest with myself, this is the first year where I feel like the time passed exactly as I thought it should (not too quickly or slowly).  The boys have grown so much both physically, emotionally, and academically.  They have learned so much in the past year and they are so eager to continue to be learners...makes my heart happy.

Grant, our compassionate, emotional, and considerate gentleman loves learning and it comes to him so naturally.  He seeks out knowledge and is always asking questions.  Grant loves to read and do puzzles and he is wise beyond his years.  He recognizes several sight words (no, yes, go, stop, dogs, zoo) and knows all of his letters (uppercase and lowercase) as well as most of their sounds! He is our little emotional guy as his feelings are easily hurt (he comes by this honestly...from his mama) and he's easily embarrassed.  Grant HATES to be wrong and puts a lot of pressure on himself (apple fell right under the tree)!  He is sympathetic and empathetic, something most kids his age still don't yet understand.  He's a skinny little thing just like his daddy, yet can most often be heard saying "I'm hungry!"  That's something he's been his entire life! I have fond memories of him wolfing down a bottle only to be crying not even 2 hours later or drink it so fast it came back up!

JT, our free spirited, funny, and talkative wildman loves to know HOW things work, not why.  He also loves to read but mostly loves to be read to by an adult.  JT knows all of his letters but has a greater interest in numbers.  JT loves to be active and is always singing or humming a tune from his heart.  We are trying to encourage this love for music very quietly, while developing his self-confidence.  He's easily embarrassed when we take notice of his singing.  JT is loving and sweet, always giving hugs and love to anyone. He loves to snuggle. He also has a love of animals, but specifically dogs.  He's our tank, but it's all muscle! And he's rarely hungry because he doesn't want to stop.  Again, that's no change from when he was a baby. He walked at 9 months and really hasn't stopped moving since!

Both boys could not be more different in looks and personality.  It's so neat to see how different they are.  But they still have their freaky twin moments, from the weird language they share to talking about the same thing at the same time without planning it out! Sometimes we forget the bond they share until those moments.  It's been a great year and both boys are destined for bright futures!

So today we celebrate Grant and JT.  I think JT said it best with, "today, I'm the boss...and Grant, too!"  No, seriously, he really did start the day by telling Peter that!  I'm not sure where they developed this sense of entitlement, but today we let them do what they wanted (within reason).  We started the day with a balloon party and birthday waffles.  Then we let the boys tell us what they wanted to do...which is how we ended up at Recreations Outlet (aka trampoline park).  They practically had the place to themselves, which was AWESOME!  After a very busy 2 hours, we went to Cracker Barrel for lunch, again the boys choice!  Of course, we couldn't escape without playing toys...twice!  They caught a nap on the way home, much to JT's dismay. He told us since he was the boss, he wasn't going to take a nap because it was HIS birthday! Grant said he'd do whatever we wanted him to do.  I think that about sums up their personalities.  We ended the day with a dinner in which we invited grandparents to celebrate with us.  

Monday, February 17, 2014

President's Day Fun

Today I had a day off due to snow President's Day! Ha, but it could have been snow with this winter we're having.  Anyway, I've been working on being present, filling my bucket, and enjoying life's little gifts (Grant and JT)!  So today we went to the Rave Cinema in Western Hills and saw "Frozen", for the second time!  We loved it the first time, we love the music (the boys listen to the soundtrack every night), so what's a second time! But it was the first time seeing it with Cami and Uncle Dan, who also had the day off.  Seeing those three little heads just peering over the seats was something truly beautiful and precious.  Of course, Olaf continues to be a favorite of all :)  I mean, seriously, he's the most adorable snowman EVER!

 After the movie we went to the favorite restaurant of all children...Chick-fil-A, where we played and, oh, ate! It was a great day.  Check out this cuteness :)