Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Saturday, December 29, 2012

First time in the SNOW!

I cannot believe that the boys are almost three years old and have never played in the snow.  Last winter I even planned ahead and purchased snow pants so that we would be prepared for when the snow came...and it never really did.  So, when the weather forecast called for a significant amount of snow, we planned ahead and bought snow boots and I just decided the boys could wear the snow pants from last year, nevermind they were a size 2T.  But, nevertheless, the snow came and it was enough to play in. We had such a great time.  And, the Spieler family, who are accustomed to snow in Buffalo, NY, were also in Cincinnati for the snow but unfortunately, Bryce was sick so he had to stay in.  Luckily, they grabbed my camera. 

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