So I had the very worst experience at my Prenatal counsel appointment yesterday! The R.N. that was going through everything was "double checking" my due date that she had listed as 3/21/10. Not even sure where that came from, I told them on the phone that 6/15 was our conception through IVF. So I told her my RE gave me a due date of 3/7/10 and she didn't even listen to me!! I was so aggravated. Then she proceeded to tell me that I will meet with the doctor next Thursday for an u/s to determine my EDD. HELLO!! I felt like I was talking to a monkey! Is she unaware that IVF is an exact science and that I conceived on the day of egg retrieval?? I was mad that our case was not being treated differently that someone who conceived on their own. Bottom line is that IVF is different when determining EDD.
In addition, it's not like I'm attached to 3/7/10 but I'm having twins here, it will definitely be sooner! I know that date will change, but you don't get any closer than you can with IVF. I'm completely frustrated and stressed out by this conversation I had with her not to mention I got about a trees worth of pamphlets and handouts that I need to read in my "free time" and a packet to fill out and return. But my favorite part of the appointment was meeting with the office manager to determine my insurance coverage. I kept thinking that I'm knocked up and these babies have to come out regardless of whether it is covered by my insurance. But thanks to her I now know that I have excellent coverage! Whew, glad that I know that!! Ha, right because that was the top of my list of concerns!
Thank goodness I wasn't speaking with the doctor. I'm hoping the next appointment goes better and the doctor has more knowledge than the nurse about IVF.
omg, twins! Just catching up with your blog now. How amazing for you. Remember, don't sweat the small stuff.