Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Our First Trip

This weekend we took the boys on their very first trip away from home.  We were headed to Toledo, OH for a wedding.  The trip was about 4 hours and the boys slept most of the time.  Our car looked like we were leaving for a week, we needed so much.  Basically, we had to pack the same things we would need for a week even though it would only be for the weekend.  This was the first time the boys slept in the pack and play for longer than a nap.  They did great though, and amazingly were able to sleep together without disturbing one another. 
The best part of the trip was introducing the boys to all of my sorority sisters who haven't met them yet but showered them with love before they were born!  The boys did a great job at the wedding, although we probably looked ridiculous pulling in with a double stroller to a wedding!

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