Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day

It was a very Merry Christmas in the Schibi house!  We enjoyed beginning our morning with breakfast and time spent with Grammy and Grandpa.  We opened gifts and played with our toys. 

                                                                              All JT wanted for Christmas was an orange race car

 Who needs the kids for the puzzle?

            Grant loved this airplane

Then the boys took a nap and we cleaned up a bit and got ready to go to Nana and Pappy's house for dinner and gifts.  We saw Meme and Bob Bob as well as the Burgess and Weisbach families. 

 Playing with Daddy's old hot wheels ramp and cars

 New kitchen from Nana and Pappy

I think the pictures tell the story of our day.

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