Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Harvest Home Parade and Fair

It's that time of year again, time for summer to come to a close and for fall to kick off with the Harvest Home Parade and Fair.  Watching the parade is a family tradition, we've gone or participated every year since we've moved to Cheviot.  My most memorable, of course, have been with the boys.  It's just so thrilling for them to see all of the vehicles and I just love to watch them get excited over the little things in life.
New this year was the fair.  We've never taken them there because there just wasn't enough for them to do when they were so young.  But this year, daddy went to play golf all afternoon and evening so Grammy and I took the boys to the biggest little fair in Ohio!  The boys had a blast playing all of the little games and getting prizes.  They also enjoyed riding the ponies, carousel, Ferris wheel, and viking ship.  We had so much fun that we forgot about the time and missed bed time by over an hour!  Oh well, it was worth it to see them giggle and laugh. Check out the video of their first ride by themselves!

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