Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Big Boy Beds

Not sure how we have managed to have two big milestone events (for toddlers anyway) in the past two weeks but we have.  The boys just moved into their toddler beds.  This is probably for the better as they were recently enjoying the thrills associated with climbing out of their beds and then flopping back in.  Actually, this is what prompted us to convert them in the first place.  They spent two days worth of nap times doing this exact thing.  Through the monitor, I actually over heard Grant say the following to JT, after JT threw out some object from his crib: "I'll get it JT!  Grant be superman and save the day!"  Where does he get this stuff?  Anyway, after only an hour of nap this past Sunday (a nap in which they slept on the couch because it was the only place they would relax), Peter and I had enough.  So at 7:00 p.m. we converted the beds, with some assistance from the boys.  So far, the transition has been good and they like that they can easily climb into (and out of) bed independently.  Our only rule is that once they are in the beds, they have to stay there.  So, hopefully it continues to be this easy!

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