Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Monday, February 17, 2014

President's Day Fun

Today I had a day off due to snow President's Day! Ha, but it could have been snow with this winter we're having.  Anyway, I've been working on being present, filling my bucket, and enjoying life's little gifts (Grant and JT)!  So today we went to the Rave Cinema in Western Hills and saw "Frozen", for the second time!  We loved it the first time, we love the music (the boys listen to the soundtrack every night), so what's a second time! But it was the first time seeing it with Cami and Uncle Dan, who also had the day off.  Seeing those three little heads just peering over the seats was something truly beautiful and precious.  Of course, Olaf continues to be a favorite of all :)  I mean, seriously, he's the most adorable snowman EVER!

 After the movie we went to the favorite restaurant of all children...Chick-fil-A, where we played and, oh, ate! It was a great day.  Check out this cuteness :)

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