Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Twas the night before retrieval

Caption says: "Some days I curse those IVF treatments!"

Tomorrow is retrieval day and I cannot wait to get these things out of me! I cannot sit without feeling uncomfortable. I actually feel like mother hen ready to lay a dozen eggs. The procedure is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. I will attempt to update but with all the sedation combined with a valium might make it impossible for at least the good part of the afternoon. Please say a prayer or two for us, it's out of our hands now and we've done everything we could. Thanks to everyone for your continued support!


  1. Kim,
    Good luck tomorrow!! I will be thinking about you!! Try to relax, take the medication they gave you (enjoy it!), and enjoy the clouds and relaxing music (you'll see what I'm talking about tomorrow!!) I will be thinking of you. Try to relax this evening!

  2. Kim - Thanks for allowing me to view your blog. I hope everything went as planned today. Relax the rest of the evening and have a wonderful birthday tomorrow. Best wishes!

  3. I am so praying for lots and lots of good eggs! Can't wait to hear how it went.
