Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Friday, June 5, 2009

Would you like to supersize your order?

Well the first injection has been completed and I must say that it was not a big deal. I wasn't really worried from the get go but decided to watch the administration video about three times just to make sure I was educated. The hardest part was loading the damn pen and screwing in the needle and then getting the needle to bubble with a drop of the medicine. Anyway, I will continue this until told to stop or until I burst, whichever comes first! I will become the supersize fries! I have an ultrasound scheduled for Monday 6/8.

On a side note, I am prepping myself for a baby shower this weekend. It's not that I'm not happy for the couple, I am, but it still hard to minimize my feelings. Apparently the Bodenstein side of the family has no problems with infertility (well, except for me-how lucky am I?). And the hardest part is that some of my family members just don't understand this still...and how could they be expected to, it's not like they had any problems getting pregnant. I'm actually still getting "advice" from some of them, such as: plan a trip, go on a diet, put my legs up in the air, get drunk, etc. etc....STUPID! We've been trying for two years, don't they think we've done ALL of that and more already!? So anyway, it's not really the baby shower I'm dreading, it's all the insensitive advice and questions. I know they are trying to express their care and concern, but really?


  1. Oh my do I feel your pain. I am glad to hear that the follistim injection went down without a hitch. Hey, have you tried taking a vacation, relaxing, how about tilting your hips after????

    Here is a video from stirrup-queen.blogspot.com that I am sure you can relate to- enjoy and have a great weekend.


  2. sorry, just copy and paste the link into your browser

  3. Hey Pea! I am super excited to hear what's going on with your ultrasound.I can't believe you are already feeling some twinges, that is awesome. Good luck!!
