Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Going crazy with excitement

We've made it to the 11 week mark and our babies are officially each a fetus. We've seen both heartbeats but have yet to hear them. I was told it was too early yet my husband's cousin's wife is preggo and she was able to hear the heartbeat already and she is nearly two weeks behind me. So on Thursday at our ultrasound appointment I'm going to ask again, and this time I'm asking the doctor and not that mean nurse.
In addition, I'm just crazy with excitement to officially announce to the world that I'm pregnant with two peas. I'm now showing so it's becoming difficult to hide my baby bump...and I don't want to! So I just can't decide what to do. I was thinking of waiting until after my appointment with the OB on Thursday but now that I'm thinking about it, I feel like it will NEVER get here. I mean we waited this long, what's a few more days!!!! Ahhhh, I might go crazy. Good thing this week is filled with meetings at school, hopefully it will distract me!

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