Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Monday, December 28, 2009

30 weeks and thankful

Now comes the time where I just keep counting each week as a blessing that I've made it this far with no complications. The boys are healthy and growing strong. At our appointment a week ago Pea A was 2 lbs. 14 oz. and Pea B was an even 3 lbs. Pea A is head down and Pea B is transverse. Pea B was also practicing his breathing as the tech pointed out. His diaphragm kept opening and closing, which was so cool to see on the ultrasound. The doctor was very pleased with my progress and with everything related to the boys. My blood pressure was excellent, fluid looked good, and I feel good. Acid reflux is my only issue and I've just been dealing with it. I will continue to go to the OB every 2 weeks for a check-up. My next appointment is January 4th.

Lately the boys are moving a lot, which tells me they are beginning to get cramped. Pea A has been very active, even more than I remember just a few weeks ago. I just hope they stay comfortable in there because I would really like to keep them there until mid February. We have a C-section tentatively scheduled for February 16th, which is 37 weeks. I'm happy to continue to carry them past that point if my OB will let me.

Our Christmas was very nice. Peter got me a pregnancy massage at the Pregnancy Spa and Imaging Center in Mason and I intend to use it in the next couple of weeks. I think it will relax me and maybe help with some of my back pain. But really, we already had everything we could possibly want for Christmas-these babies. We can't wait for next Christmas when we'll have two little ones crawling and moving around.

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