Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

31 weeks: Cue the weekly doctor appointments

I went to the doctor on Monday and everything is continuing to go great. My blood pressure is excellent as is my weight. My OB measured my uterine growth and I'm now measuring at 35 centimeters. I was told at 24 weeks that she would continue to measure me every two weeks and when I hit 36 centimeters I would need to come in weekly for cervical checks. Well, that time has come! I have to go every week for the remainder of my pregnancy and she will continue to measure me as well as do internal checks to determine if I am dilating. While I was in the office she used the portable ultrasound machine to check heartbeats and placement. Pea A is still head down and Pea B is still transverse. Both were practicing their breathing this time...yay! So, our next growth scan ultrasound is January 21st and I will continue to go weekly (every Monday).

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