Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Thursday, February 11, 2010

36 weeks: SNOW Days and Relaxation

It's a case of good timing this week as the snow came down and my school was off for two days in a row! I need the rest as work is becoming unbearable and very difficult. I'm just uncomfortable and combine that with the middle school adolescents I teach and it's a rough situation. I was at the doctor on Monday and am 2.5-3 cm. dilated and 50% effaced. Pea A is still head down and Pea B is transverse (still). My C-section is still scheduled for Feb. 23rd. I go again Monday, which is President's day and another off-day for me (thank goodness). I'm still continuing to go to preggo water aerobics, which has helped my swelling. I currently have on/off swelling in my feet and legs and I have only two pairs of shoes that fit comfortably (and that I can't put on myself). It's getting close now...won't be much longer and we'll finally meet our little boys!

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