Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Monday, February 1, 2010

35 weeks:The Peas Continue to Cook!

Well I went for an uneventful doctor's appointment today, which was fine by me. I'm still 2 cm. and 50% effaced so no progress this past week. We also had an ultrasound just to check fluid levels and the position of the babies. Pea A is head down and Pea B is back to transverse (which explains the return of acid reflux). I cannot believe that little guy has even an inch to move! So I just bought myself another week and hopefully I can make my goal of 36 weeks. After that, I know we'll be in the safe zone.

So, it's off to another week of preggo water aerobics. I love feeling weightless for an hour, although getting out of the pool after class is enough to make me feel like an elephant. Oh well, it's exercise that's easy on my body!!

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