Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day 66: Movers and Shakers, Bicentennial Park

Thursdays = Movers and Shakers at Covedale Library with Miss Colleen in case you missed our weekly pattern!  We had a little incident which the boys handled well but Mommy did not.  One of the regular little boys at story time had one of the car puzzles first and JT wanted it.  I told him he had to wait his turn and he did very well with hearing that message and waiting.  The little boy left the table so I told JT it was his turn. No sooner had JT walked up to the table to sit in the chair did that little boy take notice and come back. He pushed JT out of the way and started playing again.  I was less than happy that his mom was nowhere nearby to intervene and JT was frustrated.  It happened one more time a few minutes later only this time when he got up he also knocked over the puzzle and Laura was there to take it and give it to the boys.  Glad someone else witnessed this little brat's sneaky ways!
After the library we went to pick up Gigi.  We took her to the new Bicentennial Park and we played for a bit before eating lunch and playing some more.  Gigi proved that you are never too old for fun!

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