Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 70: Embshoff Park

It's my last week off with the boys for the summer (sniffle).  I'm going to miss spending my days with them having silly fun and I'll even miss the arguments and toddler tantrums.  Every year I think it's going to get easier to go back to work and it never does.  In fact, I think this year might just be my most difficult year.  They are just so much fun right now and they always make me smile and laugh.  We have so much fun together, and today was no exception.  We went to Embshoff Park today, one of our favorite spots to play from last summer.  Again this year, we had the park almost to ourselves.  We played on the playground equipment then went for a walk and played "soccer" on the fields.  Then we had a picnic lunch and played some more.  We caught a few spotty sprinkles but it didn't last long.  It was a great way to start our last week of summer together!

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