Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 71: West Park (Grammy's Work)

No picture for today but Aunt Nin Nin and baby Cami came down with Grammy, who has been staying in Beavercreek at the new house with Kristen while Dan is gone in GA.  We went to visit Grammy's work people at West Park.  The boys were a little overwhelmed at first but quickly made themselves at home playing with all of the fun equipment.  Their favorite part was getting a balloon, which kept them busy for quite some time at home!
After our visit, we went to lunch at Applebees.  All I can say is at least we were even 3 kids to 3 adults because it was past everyone's regular lunch and nap time and it was a bit chaotic.  Luckily the place wasn't too busy.

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