Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Saturday, September 19, 2009

15 week checkup

We went to the doctor for our 4 week check up on Thursday. We thought we would be getting an ultrasound but instead we got to hear the heartbeats! It was by far the most amazing thing I have ever heard. I never thought the sound would bring tears of absolute joy to my eyes, but it did. One little pea wouldn't cooperate and the doctor couldn't find him/her so she did a quick ultrasound on a portable machine. We saw why she couldn't find it right away. One of our peas was lounging and taking up all the room and that was the one whose heartbeat we could hear. The other one was all scrunched up. We did see both heartbeats on the screen and had a good laugh at the passive and aggressive babies we have on our hands! At the time of our appointment, they were both chilling on the right side of the womb, which explains why I was feeling all the movement on the right side and rarely on the left. We have another appointment on October 22 and we will be able to determine the genders then. This will be the last time I go every 4 weeks. After our appointment in October I'll start to visit the doctor more frequently so they can monitor the growth and make sure the babies are sharing the nutrients!

1 comment:

  1. lol. One taking up all the room, funny. That is great that you got to hear the heartbeats. Can't wait to find out what you are having.
