Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Thursday, July 30, 2009

8 week ultrasound: Meet Pea 1 AND Pea 2!!

It's official...we're having TWINS!! We are just so blessed and thrilled but mostly thankful to all of the amazing doctors and nurses who helped us get to this point. We saw both heartbeats at our ultrasound today and I have officially graduated to the OB. I have my first appointment there on August 11th for blood work and then to schedule another ultrasound with the doctor.

As far as symptoms this week, I'm still having the nausea but it's on and off. It went on a two day absence but returned yesterday. It's not that bad at all really and I've tried to stay on top of it by never letting myself get hungry. Still exhausted most days, but naps help! Just resting and taking care of myself and the babies. Our babies are now the size of a kidney bean and eyes, nose, and lips are beginning to form! We are just so very excited!

Oh and check out the ultrasound from exactly 2 weeks ago and look at the amazing growth at this stage!! It's about 1mm per day. Pretty amazing stuff!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for twins! Your little peas are so cute!
