Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Friday, July 6, 2012

Day 32: Bike Ride for Breakfast, Mommy and Daddy Date Night

Today was our last full day in Sanibel and we finally satisfied Dale's need to take a bike ride for breakfast.  Everyone rode up to The Lighthouse Cafe. It was quite a bit of a distance away but the weather was nice and we were able to see parts of the island we hadn't seen in a while.  The food was delicious and the boys were very well behaved. 

 Later that evening, Peter and I went on a date :)  We returned to the place where it all started...Matzaluna Italian Restaurant and the Lighthouse.  This is where Peter proposed to me almost 7 years ago to the date.  It was memorable for many reasons but mainly because Hurricane Dennis was passing through and we were on the beach during high winds when all of this happened!  The conditions were, thankfully, much different but it was very nice to reminisce and even nicer to dine without toddlers!  After dinner we went to the Lighthouse and walked on the beach and spotted a dolphin! 

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