Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Day 40: Animal Kingdom

Our day started off bad (Peter left the passes back at the hotel) but luckily got better.  We started the day riding Triceratops Spin, which is basically Dumbo with dinos.  Then we all went to Finding Nemo The Musical.  Nemo is their new favorite movie and all fish are Nemo right now so it was good timing.  They seemed to love the music, interesting props/fish, colors, and of course, Nemo! We also spent quite a bit of time in the dino dig area.  The boys loved climbing in and out of the Jeep and sliding down all of the slides. 
While the boys took an afternoon nap (supervised by Meme), the rest of us rode Expedition Everest, a favorite at Animal Kingdom.  Then, once the boys were awake again, we took the train over to Raffiki's Planet Watch.  Grant was a hoot, petting every. single. goat.  Check out the video below.  It makes me laugh every time I watch it! 

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