Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Day 33: Goodbye Sanibel, Hello Cape Coral

Today we packed up and headed to the house in Cape Coral.  It's a short twenty minute drive and the boys were excited to be at "Nana's new house".  Before we left we stopped in one more time to see the parrots at Jerry's.  We also spotted the sign below.  Strange! I don't know about you, but I think common sense would tell you that feeding an alligator is just plain stupid.  Who cares about the fine or jail...shouldn't you maybe just be concerned about not getting eaten.  Seems like a far greater fate.  Anyway, speaking of alligator, that's just what JT and Grant are eating in these pictures!  Tastes like chicken...really!  Meme took us to this great place, the Moorings, that she and Bob like to eat at when they're in Cape Coral for the winter.  It was fantastic and they had great service.  The boys tried so many new things and they ate like we starve them!

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