Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 45: Movers and Shakers and Cooking with Gigi

Thursdays again and we're off to the library for Movers and Shakers! If I haven't already mentioned it, we love the Covedale library and we love Miss Colleen!  Afterward, we picked up Gigi and brought her back to the house.  Since the rain brought us inside after only 15 minutes, we decided to do a little cooking instead.  The boys helped Gigi and I make smores croissants.  Of course, they enjoyed eating the ingredients more than actually putting them into the croissants, but that's half the fun of baking anyway I suppose! It's super easy-a package of crescent rolls, marshmallows, and chocolate chips.  Roll 'em up and bake for the time listed on the package.  Got the idea here: http://www.northerncottage.net/2011/07/smore-croissants.html.  The boys enjoyed them for an after lunch treat and boy were they good!

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