Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 12: HBD, Mommy! Celebration in Pittsburgh!

Today was my birthday and we celebrated in Pittsburgh along with the Spieler and Strudthoff families.  We started our morning at the Monongahela Incline, which was very cool!  We were able to see the beautiful city of Pittsburgh (yes, I said it and I mean it)!  The views were outstanding!  We then had lunch at the famous Primanti Brothers downtown.  They are known for their huge sandwiches, all of which include coleslaw and fries on the sandwich.  It was pretty amazing.   After naptime, we went to Bryce's second birthday party!  We had yummy food, cake (even and ice cream cake made by Angela for my birthday), and even went swimming.  All of the boys had a great time and they were definitely exhausted at the end of the day.  Thankfully, Bud, Jess, and Austin volunteered to put the boys in bed so Peter and I could go out and celebrate my birthday with adult beverages!  Check out the pictures of our awesome day!

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