Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 26: Arrival in Sanibel, Florida (aka "the beach")

Well, we made it! And just in time, too because we were all getting pretty tired of the car!!  We left the hotel this morning in Lake Park, GA and drove five hours to Sanibel Island, FL.  The boys wouldn't sleep in the car during the late morning so they didn't sleep until after lunch, which was a nightmare since they were cranky.  But, finally they slept...and for two hours! That's really long for the car.  They awoke and we were nearing the island.  Here's the picture we snapped upon arrival!! They were so excited to get out on the beach and play.
 This bird was just hanging out on the shower when we arrived and it was eyeing the boys like they were lunch! I was about four feet from it when I snapped this picture!

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