Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 18: Lunch with Daddy and Riverside Park

Today we met daddy for lunch at the Newtown Farmer's Market.  To kill a little time before daddy could meet us, we went across the street to Riverside Park.  It was okay and the boys found some fun in it, but it was an old park that could have used some updating (like new equipment).  They had a cool sand area but it was too hot and it wasn't covered.  They did enjoy a really cool slide that was built into the rock wall (see below pictures).  Daddy met us at the park around 12:45 and we went to lunch at the market.  Their deli always makes the best sandwiches.  The best part is that daddy didn't have to go back to work so he followed us home!

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