Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 2: Making popsicles

Today we stayed at home and made popsicles.  It's a recipe that I found on....yep, Pinterest.  It's super easy with only two ingredients: bananas and nutella (I added a small amount of milk because the blender was struggling)!  The boys helped break up the bananas and toss them in the blender and I added the nutella.  Then, they had fun pushing the buttons but I did the pouring into the Mickey popsicle molds, which we were dying to use!  After dinner we had a sweet treat to enjoy, complete with fun mess!  Here's some sweet shots of the yummy goodness!

Yep, we doubled the fleet of cozy coupes thanks to a free one acquired by our sitter, Jess!

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