Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 24: Dentist

No picture today but we went to the dentist, Dr. Crowley, today. I had an appointment and the last time I was in, Dr. Joe told me to bring the boys at my next appointment just so they could see what went on there. Ironically, Dr. Joe is Jess' uncle! And my appointment was on a Thursday, a day she is available to watch the boys. So, today she helped me take the boys. Really she did all of the work while I got my teeth cleaned and the boys watched. They didn't seem to be scared although I'm sure that's because they weren't in the chair. Their favorite part was the treasure chest. Shocking news right? And they had cars in the chest. You know that's what they grabbed!

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