Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 21: Ice Boats

Although it hasn't been too hot around here lately, we decided to beat the heat today by making ice boats.  The boys helped fill the cups and they chose the colors for the water (we used food coloring).  The also put in the bendy straws and helped make the sails.  Then came the hard part-waiting for them to freeze.  While they were napping, the freezer did it's job.  After nap, we had fun in the water table.  It was funny to watch to see which boat would fall over first.  JT decided once his boats were small enough, he'd eat the ice!  They both wanted to do it again but of course, they didn't understand that it takes a while for water to become ice.  We saved the straw sails and will do it again soon!

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