Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day 13: Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh, PA and Happy Father's Day!

Today the Spielers took us to the Carnegie Science Center and boy was it FUN!  I can't even tell you what the boys enjoyed most because so many things were interesting to them.  We were able to see the new exhibit in it's opening weekend, the world's largest playable guitar!  It was really quite neat.  Some of the highlights were the train exhibit, the robot area (including a robot that shot hoops), the submarine, and the children's area.  It was very different from our museum here in Cincinnati.  Here are some snapshots of the day!  And...it was a great Father's Day for Peter!

Watching the trains, which JT would have done for hours!

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!

The sleeping quarters in the submarine...tiny!

All 3 boys loved turning this wheel and making the balls go on the conveyer belt
The house that Grant built!
Another place they could have stayed at for hours!

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