Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Two little peas

These are our perfect 4 cell embryos that were transferred today. Everything went well and now we will just wait. The doctor did tell us that he believes he has isolated the problem due to the low number of eggs that fertilized. He said there is a problem with the egg binding with the sperm. But we're hoping that problem is behind us and it doesn't matter because we believe this cycle will give us a positive result (pun intended).

During the transfer we watched the doctor place our little peas into my uterus and now I can't believe I'm saying this but I am in love with a spot. We've never been this far before so the fact that there could be life inside me is AMAZING. I never thought I'd cry over two spots on the screen, but it's pretty incredible. We also got to keep the little dish that they were made/grown in, as a souvenir. It's definitely going to be a great story to tell our pea (or peas) some day!

Keep praying for us, we have to endure this long wait now!


  1. YAY!!! Keep me posted!! I hope I will get to be an auntie soon!

  2. your "peas" look great. I will keep praying for you and your family. You are right about the drinks, but I am paying for it today.

  3. What wonderful news!! The embryos look great!! Now is the super hard part - two weeks of waiting and wondering. Try to stay busy and do NOT try to take a pregnancy test early! It will only frustrate you. When do you go back - 2 weeks from today?

  4. Congratulations Kim and Peter!!! I am so happy for the both of you!!!
    Love you both.

  5. I go back two weeks from tomorrow (July 2) I don't have any HPT in the house and we both agreed before all of this that we would wait for the beta.

  6. Congratulations to the two of you!! How exciting it must be for you both. I told your Dad that all you two have been through is a true testimony of the love that you have for each other and the desire for a child. For some of us conceiving a child was realitively easy. Makes me wonder how many people would go through all you two have been through to have one. Maybe if more people had to endure the disappointments over and over again, then there would be less child abuse in this world. Again, congratulations and best of luck! May God be with you, Peter and the little pea(s)!!
    Keep the faith!
