Every good and perfect gift is from above...
~James 1:17

Monday, June 22, 2009

Against all odds

Where hope grows, miracles blossom. - Elna Rae

Let that quote set the tone for this awesome news. The doctor's office called today to tell me that our little single embryo that was lagging behind the other two actually made it to the blastocyst stage and is now frozen! The nurse couldn't believe it and she told me if I would have asked about its chances last week she would have told me she was 99% sure it wouldn't survive. So how's that for a miracle??!! Pretty awesome news for the "perfect peas" that are growing in me right now, too!


  1. Congratulations!! Hopefully the miracle(s) inside of you will continue to grow and you won't need the frozen embryo, but I'm sure you and Peter find some comfort knowing that you have an extra. Keep thinking positive thoughts. Our God is an awesome God!!!

  2. That is awesome news. It just goes to show that you that you never know what is in store. I am really happy for you. Keep thinking positive.

  3. Kim,
    Excellent news!!! I am sooo happy for you and Peter. I am conintuing to pray for you, Peter, and the peas in the pod!!

    I love you,

  4. Awesome news! That's pretty amazing. I can't wait to hear more good news. Love you!
